Friday, August 30, 2013

Letting go

This has been a heavy year of letting go for me. My daughter was at her first year of living at college. My mother passed away which completely devastated me. I have had to step away from my dad who is battling his own demons along with the grief over losing my mother. A friend and co-worker of mine left to take another job. Another lifelong friend decides to move away and does not even tell me because goodbyes are too hard. Throughout all of this, I am reminded of the frailty of life and the importance to make each moment count. When people you have had around you for so long are no longer there, it can be quite shocking to the system. What do I do now? How do I fill this void in my life? Did I do enough, did I say enough, do they really know how much they meant to me? And most of all did I make a positive impact on their lives? I know they certainly impacted my life in a good way or it wouldn’t hurt so much that they are no longer in it. My heart holds them close, but I have to let them go. I have faith that someday we will all be together again in one way or another. And I can only hope that when they left my life, they took the love I have for them with them. Until we meet again... Keep Smiling! :)

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